Attorney Investigations Online


Q: How can I customize the game's theme?
A: For now, the only thing you can customize is the chat box. You can open the settings menu to change it.

Q: When I try to connect to a server, I get "Game version mismatch"...?
A: The server is running a different AIO version than you are. Scroll up for an update if available, or check the server description if there is a download link for a custom client.

Q: I get a server on the list, but it says "Error connecting to master server".
A: The master server might be down at this moment. Try again later.

Q: What are these blue guys with yellow outlines? Why do I see them?
A: This is a player using custom content that you don't have. Try asking them for the character's files, or check the server description for a link.

Q: Where are the characters' idle animations stored?
A: It's in one file: "spin.gif". The first frame of that image is the player looking south, and the last, 8th frame of the image is the player looking southeast.

Q: Can I give a character a mugshot in the character selection screen?
A: This is optional since it automatically picks "spin.gif" for you, but in case if you want a mugshot for your character, it must be named "char_icon.png", and must have a size of 64x64 pixels.

Q: Is Mac or Linux supported?
A: Sorry, not yet. You'll have to use Wine for the time being.


  • AIO tools, a program for designing custom zones and character INIs
  • "Close-up chat", specifically, this kind of chatting:

  • Known Issues

    • Collisions with walls are not completely correct; However, this got a small fix on version 0.4 of the game, so getting stuck will be less frequent.
      • Collisions will get a full re-work from the ground-up on v0.5, with a new system that does not rely on a PNG image for collision detection